Everyone knows someone who has decided to go into small business but did you know that 70% of all small businesses fail within the first 12 months of operation. In some countries that failure rate is as high as 85 to 90%. Small Business is one of the toughest industries you can ever decide to take on and most people who go into small business go into it for the wrong reason.

I have started 4 small businesses over the last 10 years and every single one of them has been started from scratch and survived into a thriving business. Just recently I have decided to sell one of the businesses off cause it had done what I expected it to do which is the first issue you need to think about.

Issue 1. Have a Clear Understanding of What You Want To Achieve In Your Business

The majority of people, who actually go into business, go into it for the wrong reasons. Even I have been guilty of that. So what is this wrong reason, most people start a small business because they believe they can do a better job then their current boss. Maybe this is true, maybe it is not but what most people really want is better working conditions and better pay. No one can blame you for wanting that. If that is all you want, then I strongly suggest you stay away from small business.

One of the key issues you must remember before evening thinking about starting a small business is this. Do you know what your business will look like? If you were walking down the street, how would you want to be found? What impression do you want to give to your clients? What clearly do you what to achieve in this business?

The second clear understanding you must have of your business is, when will you know when it is finished? When you have built what you want to achieve and more importantly, how will you get out?

See most people when they go into business have no exit strategy and that is one of the worst things you can do. Before you ever start a business, the first thing you must work out is how you are going to get out of the business.

Two years ago, I started a small car cleaning business. My wife and I both started it because she wanted to see if she could build a business. Our exit strategy was to sell the business once it was done. How we would sell it was something we were not sure of?

See we could have taken a number of approaches to this. Our exit strategy could have been to franchise the business, sell it to a single owner or to float it on the stock market. We chose that we only wanted to sell it to another owner, but we still built the business in such a way that there was still plenty of growth and opportunity in the business for the new owner, but we had removed the risk for them on how to run the business by clearly documenting everything they needed to do to run that business.

Before ever starting a business, always think about how you will exit the business, when you have achieved your objective for that business. If you do not have an exit strategy in mind, then you will never get out of the business.

Issue 2. Keep a Strict Schedule

Small business is consuming. Unlike in large corporations where you can hire many people to do a range of tasks, small business requires the small business owner to do many of the tasks themselves. Some of the tasks include doing your books, lodging trademarks, doing the ordering etc. Often when you start in small business, you can not afford to hire people to do these tasks.

What I have personally found is that if you do not keep a tight schedule and document your meetings and tasks you have to do then it will not take very long before you will be swamped by all the things you have to do in the business every day. It is this phenomenon that often leads small business owners to quit and fail in the first twelve months. Let me tell you this, the warning signs that this is starting is when you say to your wife on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon that you are going down to the office to catch up on paperwork for a few hours. Once you get into this habit, you will never stop doing it and the business will consume you really quickly.

I strongly recommend all small business owners keep a diary. My preference is to use Microsoft Outlook, simply because it includes a calendar and you can make sure that each day you schedule your work plus your appointments to make sure you do not forget anything. If you do this, then you will find over time you can get through this plus you will learn how long it should take to do the various jobs that make up your business and whether it is worthwhile in getting someone to actually do those tasks for you.

Issue 3. Build Your Own Mastermind Group

I read a book a little while ago called Think and Grow Rich and is written by a gentleman called Napoleon Hill and he talks about the thirteen secrets to success and obscene wealth. One of the things that I learned both from this book and being a small business owner was that I needed a Mastermind Group.

The Mastermind Group is simply a group of professionals who can help me achieve my objectives for my business. Literally anyone can be part of your mastermind group and some of those would be people like a lawyer, an accountant and other people like your peers who can help you in building your business but it may also include people who are not in business as well to help you keep that balance. The Mastermind Group are really those people you turn to for advice and direction. You do not necessarily have to take their advice but a good mastermind group will allow you run through scenarios on what is happening and the potential outcomes.

Issue 4. Have one night when you do something on your own for you!

One of the big issues that I have had over the last ten years is that I have not been doing every single week is something on my own but I say that I am in the process of changing that. Often when you start in business, with the excitement of building your own business you get so consumed that you forget about a life outside of your business and your business becomes your life.

This is really not a good thing nor is it healthy. Even multi-billionaires do things for themselves outside of business. Look do not get me wrong, business is fantastic and fun and can be both enjoyable and a nightmare however there are other things out there outside of business.

When you start a small business, do not neglect your sports, do not neglect doing something social, if you do, in the long run you will find that you business suffers. Plus, in small business it is very easy to become bitter and twisted but by maintaining those none business activities it will help you to balance your life.

Issue 5. Don't neglect Your Partner or your Family

I would love to see the divorce statistics for small business owner's because I am quite sure that the divorce rate in small business would have to be about 70 or 80%. The majority of married couples (and I am talking about 90% of the small business people I Know) that I know who have gone into small business in their 30's have actually been divorced within 18 months of them starting the business.

Look there are lots of reasons why this happens, but in a lot of the cases, the partner who has gone into business neglects their family and money gets tight. In the partners case it is not their fault it is simply because the person gets consumed into the business and they forget they have a life outside of the business.

If you have a family, make sure that you do at least one activity a week as a family. Whether it is having a family night at home such as a video night or games night, or even just going to the park to play once a week, make sure that you do it. PLUS, you must ensure that at least one night a week must be for just you and your partner. If you do not do that your marriage or relationship will suffer.

One thing I share with all the people who come through our training business is that if you want to go into business that is cool but you must be prepared to accept two things -

1. You must be prepared to start from scratch if your business does not work
that is you must be prepared to start with just the shirt on your back.

2. You must have 100% support of your partner and family

If you cannot accept these two things, then do not go into business because too many people who I see that start on this journey fail and end up miserable and have such a downward spiral which leads them to doing something silly, like take up drinking, drugs or try to commit suicide. Remember, 70% of all small businesses fail within the first 12 months. If you were a betting man would you back something that only had a 30% chance of winning, not likely, yet people still go into small business.

The bottom line is this, small business can be the most awesome ride of your life, but it can be also the most difficult and when you choose to go into small business, take your time and plan what you want to achieve. Remember the old saying if your Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail.


Working with a bank to obtain a small business loan can be an easy or difficult process, depending on how prepared you are to meet with the lender and discuss your business' situation and needs.

One of the leading causes of business failure is insufficient start-up capital. Ironically, though, lenders rarely approve loan requests for the businesses that have the highest need for a small business loan. Instead, lenders tend to prefer to offer small business loans to those businesses that have been in operation for two or more years.

According to All Business, it is estimated that 95 percent of all entrepreneurs opened their businesses with capital from their own pockets, or from money they borrowed from relatives, friends, or another person in their community. Lenders want to see business owners risk their own funds in the business venture, and often require that the business owner or owners provide a minimum of 25 percent of the capital needed to start a business, and at least that much equity in the business if the business is already in existence. Simply stated, lenders aren't as willing to take a risk when a business owner doesn't even risk their own money in the investment. Businesses with a history demonstrating success in paying their bills for two and a half to three years will have the easiest time obtaining a small business loan because they've proven their ability to meet financial obligations.

Preparing a Small Business Loan Proposal

When preparing to apply for a small business loan, be prepared to face the facts that are against you, and use them in your favor. Persistency is necessary if you want to land a small business loan. Lenders follow certain criteria to determine if the small business loan is a wise investment for the bank. Most importantly, the bank will determine if the small business loan is likely to be repaid. As with other businesses, banks and other lenders must answer to their investors and stockholders, and unpaid loans show instability in the bank or financial institution.

Items compiled into a small business loan request include the following:

- Amount of money requested

- Likeliness of business profitability and demonstration of cash flow needed to service a small business loan

- Collateral, if any is owned by the business

- A reasonable balance between debt and equity

Know Your Banker

Whether you have a start-up small business or an established small business, the first step in obtaining financing through a small business loan is to develop a business relationship with your banker. Consider asking your bank's manager to open a file for your business, and provide quarterly or yearly profit and loss statements. When your business is in need of financing, the bank will already have a file and will be at least somewhat familiar with your operations. When the time comes to apply for a small business loan, approach the banker with a solid business plan to inspire the lender's confidence in your business. Provide information on business operations, marketing efforts, management ability, and financial projections for three years, as well as a cash flow projection and personal balance sheet demonstrating the worthiness of the business.

To prove worthiness for a small business loan, prepare proper documentation. Keep your credit reports as clean as possible. A lender will assume that you operate your business in the same manner that you manage your personal finances. The lower your credit rating, the slimmer your chances are of obtaining a small business loan.

When applying for a small business loan, search for a lender by first approaching the bank or banks in which you currently do business. Since you'll need to share all of your personal and business financial information, it can be beneficial to apply with a financial institution that already has that information on file and is perhaps familiar with your profile and spending habits. If your credit rating is high, your changes are good of being approved for the small business loan.

If you are unable to work with a bank or credit union in which you currently do business, or if you'd prefer not to work with your bank or credit union for your small business loan, look for a lender who wants your business. Search the business section of your local newspapers for special financing offers on small business loans and other loans. These lenders are actively looking for people needing small business loans, and the process of obtaining a small business loan with these types of lenders may be easier and faster. Additionally, check into credit unions. Because credit unions tend to be smaller financial institutions, you may be able to speak directly with a loan decision maker. Larger banks and other types of large lenders may have more rigid rules for small business loans, and the processes that they employ may be more complicated for small business loans.

If, at First, You Don't Succeed

If your first attempt at obtaining a small business loan fails, don't be discouraged. Small business loans are often not approved with the first lender that you approach, and be assured that you're not alone. Especially if you have a start-up business, lenders don't always approve small business loans, even in the most ideal situations. Search for other lenders, or become resourceful and look into other sources for loans rather than a small business loan, including home equity loans and personal loans, both of which can be used for business purposes.



Small business owners spend years growing their dreams into income streams that support them and their families. They sink every dime they have into developing websites, offering new products, and getting in front of potential customers. Over time, these businesses grow into entities of pride and value. It is impossible not to feel proud of an endeavor that started as an idea and evolved into a way to earn a substantial or comfortable living.

In the process of becoming a consistent and viable way to earn a living, small businesses become inherently valuable. Owning a business is like owning stock, only you own all of it. The problem, though, is finding a way to recapture some of the value you have created. Imagine owning a $1 million dollar business, but not being able to access any of that $1 million. It is a challenging situation, and it is not unique. Small business owners tend to have nearly all of their wealth in their businesses, which means that they cannot diversify their investments and protect themselves from normal business risk.

There is a way out of this predicament, and SME Capital Markets is ready to help. With a plethora of resources and advice available, small business owners can learn how to take their businesses public on http://www.smecapitalmarkets.net. Going public is not the exclusive domain of large companies with hundreds of millions of dollars in their war chests. A small public offering can be a viable way for small business owners to recapture some of the wealth they have created.

Your Most Valuable Asset

Small business owners tend to have the vast majority of their wealth tied up in their businesses. This means that you can take the actual cash that you earn (after expenses), but you cannot tap into the full value of your business. For private companies, a rule of thumb is that your business is worth 2.5 times earnings - essentially 2.5 times what you make after business expenses and salaries. After you pay all your expenses, including your salary, you have a certain amount of cash left over. Your business is worth more than twice that amount, but you cannot reach the total value. So, you have a dilemma.

SME Capital Markets helps small business owners increase the value of their companies and access that value. Focused on small companies, SME Capital Markets provides information and advice on how to go public. The information and advice is focused on the issues that smaller businesses face; large companies should look elsewhere.

SME Capital Markets offers all the resources that small business owners need to make an informed decision about going public. The website offers reports, original research, and mountains of data. Using this information, small business owners can decide if going public is right for them. If it is, they can contact the company's principal, Brad Smith, to explore a public offering in more detail. Prices for information are quite reasonable, making it easy for small business owners to understand what it means to go public, and whether to take the next step.

Cashing Out

SME Capital Markets offers real advice for small business owners. Their goal is not to drag you into a difficult decision that is not appropriate for a business of your size. Instead, they prefer to help you make an informed decision. If the decision is to go public, they will help you every step of the way. Electing to go public is a serious decision, requiring a considerable amount of work (just to make the decision). SME Capital Markets endeavors to make this a realistic option for small business owners while not pushing them into unnecessary complexity.

There is a special environment for small businesses that go public - the Over the Counter Bulletin Board ( OTCBB ). Unlike the big IPOs of the dotcom days, the OTCBB is for smaller companies that want to generate more capital (either for growth or as a way for the business owner to cash out). Stock prices are lower, and the stock trading patters are a bit trickier than for large companies. This venue, though, allows successful small business owners to recapture much of the wealth that they created - and otherwise would not be able to touch.

Going public also can increase the value of your business. As mentioned earlier, the value of a small business usually is determined by multiplying your earnings by 2 ½. Not bad, right? Your business is worth more than twice the income it generates. By taking your small business public, though, it could be worth much more. Public companies tend to trade at more than 5 times the company's earnings, so by going public, you can double the value of your company.

That is the goal of SME Capital Markets. They want to help small companies that are ready to take a big step. But, they want to help in a way that only works to the benefit of the small business owner.

How the Web Helped

SME Capital Markets chose to market its services via the web for many reasons. Essentially, the web opened a much larger market to the company than simply pursuing clients through word of mouth networks or traditional print advertising. Small business owners represent a diverse, disparate market. Small business owners can be hard to find. Print advertising would have been inefficient, since small business owners read the publications that matter to their businesses. A small online retailer, for example, is more likely to read publications that cater to online retailers than small businesses. The information in the former is much more directly valuable.

The information offered by SME Capital Markets is easily delivered over the web. Small business owners can save up to 10% of the cost of a report by downloading it instead of paying for shipping and handling. The information is easy to find, and customers can access it quickly. As a result, using the web for its major presence was natural; SME Capital Markets can make its products more accessible and less expensive by operating online. This helps SME Capital Markets fulfill its mission of helping small businesses make difficult decisions without having to spend a fortune.

Lessons for Small Businesses

SME Capital Markets offers a twofold lesson for small businesses across the country. First, the services offered by this company offer small business owners a way to tap into the value of their businesses while potentially increasing that value (by going public). Also, SME Capital Markets has used the web as a way to communicate information quickly and efficiently to a distributed audience without having to increase its prices to reach this audience.

Helping small companies is fundamental to the mission of SME Capital Markets. In the world of finance, fortunes are made with larger businesses. To enter the small public company space requires a focus on service instead of astronomical profits; there is no other reason to enter that market. Consequently, SME Capital Markets remains focused on its purpose of helping small business owners enjoy the wealth they have created but cannot access. Going public is not the right decision for every small business, but SME Capital Markets can help you decide if it is the right decision for you.

In accomplishing its mission, SME Capital Markets has demonstrated the importance of using the web. The entire business would not have been viable without a way to reach a diverse, fragmented market. With the development of a simple website, using prepackaged and inexpensive components for processing payments and disseminating information, SME Capital Markets was able to launch in a short period of time and begin to serve its constituency. Its materials are accessible to entrepreneurs who may not be able to find them otherwise.

SME Capital Markets used the web to assemble expertise, generate information, and reach its market quickly and effectively, demonstrating the potency of an online presence for small businesses. With the work of SME Capital Markets, entrepreneurs can focus on new growth techniques while learning the flexibility of the online business environment.

Copyright 2006 Daniel Scheff


I believe that it's easier to succeed with small businesses than ever before. There are more opportunities for entrepreneurs to start small businesses today than at any previous time.

Here are some good reasons for why I believe this is true.

A) With the increase in population comes an increase in opportunities for small businesses.

Generally, a sparse population requires a small business owner to provide a wide variety of goods or services to survive. With a denser population, the small businesses can still survive by providing a very narrow range of products or services.

For example, in a smaller population a small business which provides gardening services would probably need to offer many things. Services could include general garden maintenance, planning, tree felling, lawn cutting, vermin control, pond planning and maintenance, hard landscaping etc.

With a bigger population a small business could thrive perfectly well by providing just one of these services, as there are more people who will need it.

B) The costs involved in starting and running small businesses has never been so low in proportion to income.

Technology has replaced many of the things which people used to do, and technology does the job a lot more cheaply.

Today it's possible to reach literally millions of potential customers around the world very cheaply.

For example, only a few decades ago the cost of mailing to thousands of households was prohibitively high. Unless you had a very good product or service which sold well, a small business just wouldn't risk it.

Another example, business premises security used to involve security guards walking around checking that all was well. Now a good security system can be bought for less than 1 week's pay for that security guard, and it will work 24 hrs per day for years, for no pay.

C) Because modern life is so complex today, small businesses and individuals are open to new ideas, products and services like never before.

This creates a huge market for training courses, information provision services, educational aids, specialised products and services, novelties, etc.

With this great diversity come great opportunities to combine different products and technologies, thus making whole new areas of business possible.

For example, you can combine a low-light camera with wireless communications and a bird box. This means a nest may be watched remotely on a television or personal computer screen.

Another example would be to combine voice-chip technology with passive infrared technology to make it sound as though you have a huge dog indoors whenever anyone approaches your house.

In our recent history, these opportunities just didn't exist.

D) It may not feel like it, but many people today have a lot more leisure time and a higher disposable income than in any previous age.

This spare income (and with the current attitudes to loans, a little more besides) tends to get spent on sports, games, hobbies, crafts, amusements, entertainments, holidays and weekend breaks etc.

This creates many opportunities for the entrepreneur to start up small businesses to satisfy all this extra demand.

E) To thrive in a modern society you need to have a lot of different skills.

Nowadays people cope with a variety of complex tasks. They buy and use a wide range of consumer equipment, fill out many forms, and communicate with all kinds of people from all walks of life (often from different countries and cultures). They also do difficult transactions like house purchasing, and so on.

All this is a long way from the average people who were around just a few hundred years ago. Many were farm labourers who could barely read or write and never travelled more than a few miles from home.

So now, the pool of potential business people is far greater than ever before. If a person can live well in a modern society, they already have the abilities they need to start up a small business enterprise and succeed.

The good news also is that if you lack a certain skill which your small business needs, then you can probably employ someone with that skill far more easily than ever before.

F) More people have access to money than ever before.

Until the late 1960s, most people were paid weekly and spent money as they earned it.

It was normal among manual workers to run right out of money around the time of their next pay packet, which often contained notes and coins!

Today most people have many bank accounts (with overdrafts) and access to credit cards, which alone have spending limits equal to a half or full year's income.

Savings and share holdings are greater than ever before. A large proportion of the population can raise money on their house and if they don't mind paying a high interest percentage, they can borrow with no security at all.

A great variety of people and institutions are now willing to lend money for good small businesses proposals.

With access to credit, you can buy the product, ship it to the customer and get paid before you have to pay for the goods which you sold. This just wasn't possible until very recently.

G) Advice, courses and books about starting small businesses are within easy reach of everyone.

Researching your chosen business area has never been easier with the Internet so readily available.

Not so long ago, you would have needed to buy many books and read them all to get the specific information you required. Now you can ask a search engine very specific questions and get very specific answers, almost immediately.

This frees up small businesses and enables them to be far more productive and enterprising.

H) If you start a small business today you have an immense amount of technology available to you.

Computers, printers, copiers, audio and video recording and playback equipment, telephony and the internet are all easily available to any entrepreneur wanting to get started in a new small business enterprise.

Not long ago, the average multi-national company lacked the computing, communicating and printing power available to the ordinary person today.

You can probably think of at least 6 different ways to get a simple message to someone on the other side of the world. 5 of those messages would typically arrive less than 1 minute after you sent them.

Just 100 years ago, (and remember mankind has been around for about 3 million years) this same message would have involved horses and steam ships and would have taken months.

This massive improvement in technology (especially in communications and information) has really opened up the field to the individual who wants to go ahead with a new small business venture.

I) Small businesses starting up today have far more choices available to them.

In previous times, it was quite common for there to be only a few companies that they could go to, to buy business supplies. Whatever business you care to name, you would not find many suppliers of the materials needed to conduct that business.

Unless your business is in a very specialist area, you will now find you can source your supplies from a great many firms. This in turn drives your costs down, as you can shop around for the best deals.

For example, there used to be very few ways to get your goods delivered to your customers. Nowadays you could chose from literally hundreds of different carriers.

New companies can chose anywhere in the world to set up their small businesses, or indeed where to place any part of their business.

I know of a successful paintball company, which operates in the UK in summer. But when the business falls off due to the cold winter, they find new customers by simply moving the company to Brazil, and then return the following spring.

They also take advantage of the cheaper labour in Brazil to manufacture the paint balling equipment, and when back in the UK use the greater expertise in the UK to program their systems.

Not so long ago this flexibility of operating a small business would have been totally impractical.


There are far more opportunities to start small businesses than ever before and entrepreneurs who do start new small businesses at home are more likely to succeed.

There are more potential customers, it costs less to start up and you have more choice over the kind of business to go into. Other benefits are a more skilled and educated workforce, and easy access to financial support.

If you do want your own enterprise, you can also use the power of the Internet to carry out good and fast research, and to support your business in many ways. I believe there has never been a better time to start up new small businesses.


A diamond is the hardest known mineral that occurs naturally. It is basically an allotrope of carbon in which several carbon atoms are bonded tetrahedrally and it crystallizes into the face-centered cubic diamond lattice structure. Each carbon atom has four other carbon atoms joined to it by covalent bonds and so, diamond has a very strong 3D shape. This arrangement makes it hardest known mineral and hence, suitable for a number of applications. Diamonds offer high dispersion of light and this makes them very suitable for a number of industrial applications and for jewelry as well. Regular diamonds are put under specific pressure and temperature conditions to produce Type-II diamonds.

Properties of diamonds -

  • Electrical Conductivity

Some diamonds are natural semiconductors whereas some are perfect insulators. However, substantial electrical conductivity has also been observed for some diamonds.

  • Toughness

Diamond is a tough object i.e. it offers good resistance to breakage when forces are applied to it. Diamond's toughness is good when compared to other gemstones but it is poor when compared to engineering materials.

  • Thermal Conductivity

Diamonds offer high thermal conductivity. The strong covalent bonding within the crystal results in an easy conduction of heat and the conductivity further increases at lower temperatures.

  • Color

Diamonds occur in different colors and the wide range of color includes violet, pink, blue, green, orange, translucent white. However, brown and yellow are the most common colors.

  • Refractive Index

Diamonds have a high refractive index and diamonds offer high optical dispersion.

Uses -

  • The high optical dispersion of diamond makes it very suitable for jewelry industry. Diamond is usually used in engagement rings, bracelets, earring and necklaces and also, in many other forms. The crystalline structure of the diamond allows it to be cut in different shapes and this also makes it very suitable for jewelry industry as it is not difficult to create new designs.
  • It is the hardest known substance and this makes it very suitable for cutting purpose. It is effectively used for cutting glasses, tiles and other materials.
  • Billions of dollars are traded annually in the diamond industry. A lot of people which include jewelers, diamond miners, designers, buyers and others base their livelihood on this trade. So, a number of people depend on diamond for their livelihood.
  • Diamond trade is also responsible for progress and development of some countries as
  • Diamonds are used in semiconductor coatings for computer processors and for the microchips.
  • Diamonds are used in laser components for precise optical equipments.


While many diamonds are sold loose, as a precious commodity on diamond exchanges, nothing may equal them when set in jewelry. No engagement ring would be worth the name, unless containing a diamond, which, appropriately enough was considered in a successful advertising company the gem that lasts 'forever'. And no cubic zirconium or whatever other stones resembling a diamond could ever replace it.

So what is so unique about this gemstone? While it is both incredibly old and hard, what makes it unique is its luster, namely its quality of dispersing the white light into all the colors of the spectrum. No other precious stone could do this, and the diamond can because of its unequaled purity. While it is true that there are many diamonds that are not a hundred percent pure or transparent, a thing reflected in their color - blue, yellow, green, red, brown, pink, purple, orange or even black, it's as true that people consider the genuine stones to be colorless, or rather of all colors at the same time, thanks to their miraculous quality of dispersing the light. After all, color, carat and clarity are, besides the cut, the properties that distinguish them from one another. And you'll never see any royal jewelry without white diamonds.

But given the pace at which diamonds are being extracted nowadays, almost half coming from central and southern Africa (26,000 kg a year), of course, everyone can afford to have at least one piece of jewelry with diamonds set in, besides the traditional engagement ring for women.

The way in which they disperse the light makes them look much bigger than they actually are; therefore, some small studs or cuff links could draw the attention of a whole room, especially if strongly artificially lit. This makes diamond jewelry priceless for being worn on formal occasions, such as at formal dinners, at the opera or theater, at balls or any other formal gatherings. On the other hand, less conspicuous diamonds, such as the black ones would make elegant and classy jewelry for business suits, especially if set in platinum or white gold. Without the dazzling reflection of light, they may also afford to be bigger. As fit for corporate clothing could be brown diamonds, which would look besides as beautiful, if set in yellow gold.

If diamonds, in general, wouldn't look utterly gorgeous, they wouldn't sell for as much as 24 million dollars one piece, like the blue diamond once owned by the King of Spain, and neither would they total, in terms of wholesale jewelry, 28 billion dollars a year (as far back as 2002).


Diamond is of one the rarest and hence one of the most precious gem. It has been loved and sought after everywhere around the world since the very early days. Today the diamond industry has become one of the largest and most profitable industries in the world market. Diamond trading hence has become a very profitable profession.

The diamond industry is primarily dependent upon the activities which take place in the diamond exchange market. It is undoubtedly the main reason for the distribution of diamonds.

At the top of the long chain of diamond supply is the process where the freshly mined diamonds are brought for sorting and distribution. The diamonds are graded according to various natural characteristics so that they can be sold according to their quality.

Popular world markets:

The world's most important diamond exchange is located at Tel Aviv, Israel. Other important exchanges are the New York exchange and the Antwerp exchange in Belgium.

Online markets:

The world market is again globally distributed through the various diamonds trading websites all over the net. They are equally responsible for the wholesale diamond trading.


They buy the rough sorted diamonds from the exchange in form of packets containing only a certain kind of diamonds. Then they either sell them to polishing and cutting industries or get them polished in order to sell it to other wholesale traders.

A very significant fact about diamond trading is that the polishing industry is largely located in Surat, India. Almost 92% of the world's diamonds are cut and polished there. Other important regions where the polishing of diamonds takes place are Amsterdam, Belgium and London. It is this final polishing that makes the diamond ready for retail.

The purchased wholesale diamond is then bought by the factories where they are polished to finally reach the costumer. The exchanges have great command over the sight-holders. The only people who prove to have large costumer networks are allowed to trade with the exchange.

The specialty about the diamond market is that it is largely centralized. The exchanges named above dominate most of the sight-holders and the wholesale market is dominated by a few companies like De Beers and its branches like the DTC. The fact that there is a large chain of traders between the exchange and the retailer makes the industry even more profitable.

The international borders association:

The boarders also play a very important role in the diamond industry. The international boarders association organizes the world diamond conference every year in order to monitor if the diamonds are used for funding the inhumane activities.

The international borders association is also responsible for checking the quality of diamonds which are being traded all around the world, although the price of the wholesale diamond is more or less decided by the exchanges and traders.

The diamond mines of the world are located majorly in Russia and hence it automatically becomes an important trading centre. Apart from them, there are some unauthorized mines as well, which in fact form a major part or the world diamond trade. This illegal trade has led to the decreased efficiency in the centralization of diamond trading. This trend has started since the 1990's.


An international diamond exchange, for a diamond supply chain, serves as a central distribution point. An international diamond exchange sorts and distributes recently mined rocks. A variety of characteristics judge how diamonds are sorted, and after being sorted, the diamonds are distributed to jewelry manufacturers and dealers, where the diamonds are cut in specific fashion and are sold. Ramat Gan is the world's largest international exchange, near Tel Aviv, Israel. The Diamond Tower is in Ramat Gan, where the world's largest diamond trading floor presides, along with many other international exchange buildings.

Among many other large international diamond exchange centers are New York City and Antwerp, Belgium. Diamond traders working in an exchange purchase the rough products from diamond mines in an exchange. The values which are used to sort the rough diamonds are size, shape, clarity and color. Specialized training and aptitude is required of the sorters working in an exchange. The constant proximity to diamonds requires a background check of all the sorters. Diamond exchanges use ultra-sensitive scales to measure the weight of each sorter's diamonds before and after sorting because every 142 carats of diamond produce barely over one ounce of usable stone.

The international diamond exchange's second element of operation is the distribution. The sorters work in the exchange then sell their packages of usable stones to diamond dealers, once they are done sorting them, many of these dealers send it to their cutting and polishing factories. Diamonds may even pass through multiple dealers before reaching the customer. The difference between the buying and selling price of the stones is how the profit of a sorter is measured. In most cases, sorters make a profit margin of about 10 per cent. The diamond exchange of Israel sorts approximately 65 per cent of the rough diamonds in the world. This is why the sorters working at the exchange have an advantage over the others.

"Sightholders" are certain dealers who are allowed to have transactions with the Israeli exchange.

Sightholders are given bundles of stones that have no guarantees that they will be in accordance to the request submitted by the sightholders. Apart from that, they can only accept or reject an offer as per the asked price. Other than requiring sightholders in order to accept the bundles allocated to them, it is expected by the sightholders to carry out marketing and distribution in order to increase the general consumer interest by the Israeli diamond exchange.


There are many reasons to attend a trade show if you are a small business owner. Primarily, business expos allow small businesses to meet and network with one another, as well as to meet suppliers and possible customers. Even if your business is struggling, business expos can be a good idea. It may be necessary to close shop for a day to invest time in business expos in order to more fully reap their benefits.

Of course, you should plan ahead once you decide to attend business expos. Knowing what to focus on can help you maximize your time and make the most of your investment. Create goals with regard to how many vendors you want to visit, what you need to purchase, including giveaway items, also known as swag, and what products you want to see and learn more about.

Be conscious of your inventory. If you want to group orders to offer discounts and other special offers, remember your budget and understand your limitations. If you know of a specific vendor you want to meet, make sure to set a time to do so during the show. Bring employees who are smart, attractive, and personable, who won't get tired easily, and who don't shy away from crowds.

If attending out of town business expos, check for discounted hotel rooms offered by trade show organizers. Try to book in advance to get a better rate, and it may help to stay nearby the expo center to avoid schlepping tables, chairs, and signs at the last minute.

Remember to bring a bag to store the literature you accumulate throughout the show. Look presentable and remember to be the face of your company. Bring a pen and notebook to take notes if necessary, and make sure to have plenty of business cards - you will be giving them away to almost everyone you meet.

If there are any presentations or workshops, by all means attend them. These educational aspects of business expos are a large reason as to why many people participate. Try to only talk to people whose business interests you, or with whom you could possibly share networking connections. Don't linger unnecessarily.

Finally, judge whether your time was well spent. If you followed your plan of attack you should feel like it was and hopefully, that you've met all your goals. Good luck and remember, you get out what you put in.


Business expos and vendor shows are fantastic ways to meet and interact with your target market in a short amount of time. They can be very effective and worthy of your time and costs if you plan well and have reasonable expectations.

Here are a few tips and tricks about setting up for your next business expo:

o Stay at your booth because if you don't you might miss a perspective customer/client. I know there'll be times when you do have to leave, but make it as quick as possible! Or you can have a helper (see next).

o Have a helper. Having someone help you carry your booth stuff (which may take you 2-3 trips from your car to your spot on the expo floor) and be there when you need to leave for a short break makes all of the difference.

o Don't dump all of your promotional items on the table, just have a few out so they look more scarce, and thus more valuable.

o Display your wares using different heights by using boxes (such as carry-on file boxes) that you cover with colored fabric. In order to give your display height and drama, consider taking boxes from around the house and draping them with bright fabrics. It's also a good idea to have a tri-panel to give height and contrast to your table.

o Have a fish bowl with registration slips for an "Enter to Win" contest. Everyone loves a contest and with the fish bowl you can collect names for your newsletter or upcoming workshops.

o Display a colorful banner. Bring your own tablecloths and drapes along with a bold banner.

o Run a video clip on a continuous loop to attract attention. Just be considerate of your volume levels for your booth neighbors.

o Bring snacks and water.

o Bring your camera so you can post photos of your booth on your blog or on Facebook.

o Chocolate! Have plenty of individually-wrapped chocolates for your visitors so they may linger longer at your booth.

o Have plenty of handouts/flyers. Folks love to grab a colored flyer that has handy information.

o And above all, wear comfortable shoes! You will be standing for most of the time and when you are standing you look more invested and professional.

After the expo is concluded, follow-up with your registrants in a timely manner while their expo experience is still fresh in their minds. And don't be disappointed if you don't see immediate results from your expo
participation. Many times, it will take 3-5 months after a business expo for you to get a call about your products and services. Most of all, you need to know that as a expo vendor you have taken a bold step at building your brand to gain market share by having your community know more about you.


Expo and tradeshow season is upon us. However, many business owners do not know what to do after the expo is over. So, before you pack up your display items and wait for the phone to ring with new orders you need to do five things.

1. Review photos of your booth. Make time to self reflect. Look at photos of your booth with a fresh eye or ask a friend to provide you feedback. Where people able to see your business name? Was your business name viewable from various directions? Was your business name too small? Sign displayed to low? Did people know and understand what you were selling or what service you provide? What was your purpose of being at the expo? Did your table display work for you? Did you get the traffic you wanted to your booth? If no, why do you think you didn't? Did you sit behind your table or were you standing and out front of your table display? Did you actively engage the crowd or were you shy?

2. Inventory your supplies. Business owners will want to take an inventory of what marketing materials they need to reorder. Did you run out of business cards or brochures? What promotional or marketing item was untouched? Do not place an order in such a large quantity that you may not give the items away before they become obsolete i.e. calendars or candy. Don't wait until the day before your next event to order new marketing or expo supplies. You will save money by doing it now and not needing to pay for rush shipping.

3. Follow up with your leads. If your mission was to capture leads you will want to take time to follow up. It is highly recommended that you do so immediately after the event before your competitors get to the lead first. Also, follow up with the same theme as the event. If it was a pirate theme use a pirate them in your follow up email or written correspondence so that the lead remembers where and when they provided you their information. Next time you may want to already have your follow up letter prepared so when you get home exhausted the task is less daunting.

4. Evaluate your Return on Investment (ROI). Tradeshows and expos are not a good return on investment (ROI) for everyone. When you are reviewing what worked or didn't you will want to also consider your personality. If you are shy or timid maybe this is not the place to spend your money. Business expos and tradeshows are not for the timid. They require stepping out and talking with the attendees. Also, take time to focus on the ROI of your marketing materials. Where they worth the expense? Did they bring you paying leads? Or where they just free goodies for the adults that used the expo as a grown up trick or treat event?

5. Celebrate. Celebrate that you survived another Business Expo.

Business expos and tradeshows are a part of many business owners' grassroots marketing efforts. When you follow my five tips by reviewing photos of your booth, inventorying your supplies, follow up with your leads, reviewing your ROI, and making time to celebrate surviving the expo you will be guaranteed business expo success.


Are you ready for a BASH? Have you ever been a vendor or exhibitor at an expo, craft show or other offline event? Well, when you are a participant in an online bash or online expo - many of the same expo tips apply. Here are the Top Ten essential business expo tips for online events.

* Business Expo Tip #1 - Welcome guests and vendors to the event - seems pretty simple, but being friendly online goes a long way!

* Tip #2 - Introduce yourself, and give a little personal info about yourself. People love to do business with vendors they know! Do you have kids? Are you married? Do you love to knit? Share tidbits of yourself! Connections are made at online expos and bashes.

* Expo Tip #3 - Set goals for yourself before the event. For example, I will book three parties or I will increase my sales by $xx. Setting goals (and writing them down!) helps you achieve goals.

* #4 - Decide what games, prizes, discounts, sales incentives you will offer for the expo or bash attendees. Write the incentives down or better still, type them into a word document - that way they are ready to cut and paste the day of the online event. It will make your life easier, believe me!

* Business Expo Tip #5 - Prepare your presentation notes as well too - what products will you be featuring? Is there something new or exciting? Be sure to put all pertinent info into your word file as well. It's also a great idea to put a brief overview of your shipping info, guarantees etc into a word file for the event too. Cut and paste makes it easy!

* Tip #6 - Promote, promote, promote! Success at an online expo or bash depends on many factors, the primary factor is you! Be sure to invite friends, colleagues, family, customers to join you at the online party. Online shopping is hot! Everyone loves the convenience of shopping from home! Be sure to let everyone know that you are a vendor at XYZ Bash and let them know the dates, times etc. Send invites to your personal contact list at least three times - a week or so before the online event, a day before the event and the day of the bash or party!

* #7 - Network! The biggest benefit of online bashes and online expos is the networking that can be accomplished. It's important and beneficial to build relationships.

* Expo Tip #8 - Be sure to say thank you! It makes a huge impact.

* Tip #9 - Follow up with any guests or vendors who have requested information, who ordered, who won prizes immediately within 24-48 hours at the most! Stay in touch with those guests and vendors who have requested contact.

* And finally, tip #10 - Have fun! Online bashes and expos are created to be like a party - enjoy yourself, have fun!


Small business associations are similar to trade associations. But rather than focusing on a specific industry, a small business association focuses on small companies in general. What this means is that entrepreneurs have somewhere to go for a resource which is very helpful when things get rough.

One thing that many business owners struggle with is whether to join a business related association or trade association. As an entrepreneur the first thing you have to realize is that a trade association is not better than a small business association nor is a business association better than a trade association. Both of these associations are beneficial to small companies, the difference is that one focuses on the industry specifics and the other focuses on the business aspect as a whole.

One of the best reasons to join an association is that the association will provide you with programs that are designed to help your business. These programs can help your business grow, but they can also help make your business more professional. The majority of these programs offer key speakers that will speak about specific topics related to all kinds of entrepreneurial issues.

A trade association is beneficial because they provide special programs that are offered throughout the year that focus on your industry specifically. These programs can be structured to help your business grow, but they can also help you improve your internal processes. Trade associations will also provide speakers each month that speak about your industry directly and often times indirectly.

Another great benefit about joining both a trade association and a small business association is that they often have different types of expos. A small business association will put on an expo that encompasses everything that you need to know about running a company, such as different software vendors, cash register vendors or anything else that you need to run a small biz.

A trade expo is going to be a lot more focused on your profession. Trade expos also allow the members to participate and show off their products. These trade expos can be used to expand your knowledge in your industry, but also gain insight into what your competitors are doing and find out what is new in your market.

Majority of associations also put out a monthly newsletter. What is included in the newsletter will vary depending on if it is a trade association or a small business association. Many times the newsletter will provide you with new information about what is going on with the association, such as what you can do to improve your bookkeeping for example.

By becoming a member of a small business association or a trade association, you will be able to create an ever growing network with other people who share your interests. By creating a network you will meet some of the most valuable people to help your business grow and these same people will often help you expand your knowledge.

So joining small business associations can definitely be a good idea to further expand your business and yourself as an entrepreneur.


There are many reasons to attend a trade show if you are a small business owner. Primarily, business expos allow small businesses to meet and network with one another, as well as to meet suppliers and possible customers. Even if your business is struggling, business expos can be a good idea. It may be necessary to close shop for a day to invest time in business expos in order to more fully reap their benefits.

Of course, you should plan ahead once you decide to attend business expos. Knowing what to focus on can help you maximize your time and make the most of your investment. Create goals with regard to how many vendors you want to visit, what you need to purchase, including giveaway items, also known as swag, and what products you want to see and learn more about.

Be conscious of your inventory. If you want to group orders to offer discounts and other special offers, remember your budget and understand your limitations. If you know of a specific vendor you want to meet, make sure to set a time to do so during the show. Bring employees who are smart, attractive, and personable, who won't get tired easily, and who don't shy away from crowds.

If attending out of town business expos, check for discounted hotel rooms offered by trade show organizers. Try to book in advance to get a better rate, and it may help to stay nearby the expo center to avoid schlepping tables, chairs, and signs at the last minute.

Remember to bring a bag to store the literature you accumulate throughout the show. Look presentable and remember to be the face of your company. Bring a pen and notebook to take notes if necessary, and make sure to have plenty of business cards - you will be giving them away to almost everyone you meet.

If there are any presentations or workshops, by all means attend them. These educational aspects of business expos are a large reason as to why many people participate. Try to only talk to people whose business interests you, or with whom you could possibly share networking connections. Don't linger unnecessarily.

Finally, judge whether your time was well spent. If you followed your plan of attack you should feel like it was and hopefully, that you've met all your goals. Good luck and remember, you get out what you put in.


Expo and tradeshow season is upon us. However, many business owners do not know what to do after the expo is over. So, before you pack up your display items and wait for the phone to ring with new orders you need to do five things.

1. Review photos of your booth. Make time to self reflect. Look at photos of your booth with a fresh eye or ask a friend to provide you feedback. Where people able to see your business name? Was your business name viewable from various directions? Was your business name too small? Sign displayed to low? Did people know and understand what you were selling or what service you provide? What was your purpose of being at the expo? Did your table display work for you? Did you get the traffic you wanted to your booth? If no, why do you think you didn't? Did you sit behind your table or were you standing and out front of your table display? Did you actively engage the crowd or were you shy?

2. Inventory your supplies. Business owners will want to take an inventory of what marketing materials they need to reorder. Did you run out of business cards or brochures? What promotional or marketing item was untouched? Do not place an order in such a large quantity that you may not give the items away before they become obsolete i.e. calendars or candy. Don't wait until the day before your next event to order new marketing or expo supplies. You will save money by doing it now and not needing to pay for rush shipping.

3. Follow up with your leads. If your mission was to capture leads you will want to take time to follow up. It is highly recommended that you do so immediately after the event before your competitors get to the lead first. Also, follow up with the same theme as the event. If it was a pirate theme use a pirate them in your follow up email or written correspondence so that the lead remembers where and when they provided you their information. Next time you may want to already have your follow up letter prepared so when you get home exhausted the task is less daunting.

4. Evaluate your Return on Investment (ROI). Tradeshows and expos are not a good return on investment (ROI) for everyone. When you are reviewing what worked or didn't you will want to also consider your personality. If you are shy or timid maybe this is not the place to spend your money. Business expos and tradeshows are not for the timid. They require stepping out and talking with the attendees. Also, take time to focus on the ROI of your marketing materials. Where they worth the expense? Did they bring you paying leads? Or where they just free goodies for the adults that used the expo as a grown up trick or treat event?

5. Celebrate. Celebrate that you survived another Business Expo.

Business expos and tradeshows are a part of many business owners' grassroots marketing efforts. When you follow my five tips by reviewing photos of your booth, inventorying your supplies, follow up with your leads, reviewing your ROI, and making time to celebrate surviving the expo you will be guaranteed business expo success.


Many small businesses sometimes do not get the chance to showcase their products and services. They are forced to compete with established companies that have an adequate budget for advertising and marketing. Small businesses are often underestimated and may have better products and services unlike their corporate counterparts. Besides this, they always have personalized service since they are usually in constant contact with their consumers. So for small business owners to get a chance to show what they are made of they participate in expos, trade shows, exhibitions etc.

These give the small business owners a platform to showcase their products and services. It is also a cost effective and way to advertise and market their businesses. They get to set up shop for a few days in a neutral place like a mall. This way, customers are easily able to access and get to know more about the businesses.

Small business expos also give the customer a chance to test the products and business available. They also get an insight and basic understanding of what the businesses are offering. This is also advantageous to the small business owner because they are to engage in face-to -face marketing. They can explain what their products or services are about. It is advisable to keep the conversations short and straight to the point. Make regular eye contact and smile politely when talking about your business.

Your entire display at the small business expo is another aspect of whether you will get people interested in what you are trying to sell. Ensure that your display is eye catching and will pull the curious shopper to your stop. Once they get there, it is up to you to keep them interested before they move onto the next stop-which could be your competition. Try to make an unforgettable impression, every time someone stops by.


Real estate is booming in Maui -- no wonder, with the number of tourists that flock to this part of Hawaii every year. Maui has been named the Best Island for 12 years in a row.

Any real estate is an investment in a place like Maui and luxury condos are no exception. Builders are constructing luxury condos in all parts of the island and real estate agents and tourism agencies are buying them. Rich businessmen find their holiday homes in luxury condos in Maui. The luxury condos are aimed at buyers who are ready to spend out a few million dollars for a pleasant stay in this tropical island in Hawaii. And the condominiums include not just apartments with bedrooms and living areas, but other luxuries that usually come with a five star hotel.

If you are looking for a luxury condo in Maui, you can start by visiting Mauirealestate.com and its Coconut Chronicles that regularly list the best luxury condos for sale in Maui. They come out with a detailed description of the latest luxury condos, for example, Na Hale O Makena, which is listed out as a new luxury condo community in Maui. Aimed at higher end owners, these condos include amenities like barbecue areas, clubhouses, exercise rooms, Jacuzzi and much more. The market price for a condo in this community is rated at $2,200,000.

Once you have done a thorough search on the Internet and decide on the features you need for your luxury vacation home and the money you would like to spend on it, your real estate agent in Maui can be contacted for a tour of the hottest luxury condo communities in town.


If you could choose to live anywhere in the country, where would it be? You may dream about living on the beachfront in Miami watching the waves crash from your bedroom window. You may wish you lived in Las Vegas and could watch the bright lights flashing on the strip. You may want to live in Colorado with snowcapped mountains right outside your door. Whatever your dream may be, luxury condos are available throughout the nation to make it an affordable reality.

What are the benefits of buying a luxury condo?
Luxury condos are available to rent, to buy in timeshares, or to buy as the sole owner. If you are single and looking for a primary residence or a married couple looking to buy a second home, luxury condos are smart, affordable investments. They are usually cheaper than homes and are convenient for people who cannot afford a large mortgage. Condos are also usually smaller than most homes so they are nice for single people or small families that do not need the space of a house.

Other benefits to owning a condo are the onsite amenities that many condos offer such as: pools, hot tubs, fitness centers, tennis courts, sand volleyball pits, clubhouses, playgrounds, etc. Condo owners are usually not responsible for the maintenance or repairs of those amenities because they pay a monthly condo fee that covers those costs. Some condos may have small front yards or community courtyards and most condo fees cover the maintenance costs of those also. Another benefit to owning a condo is having close neighbors and usually being conveniently located near shopping centers and employment centers.

The drawbacks of owning a luxury condo
One drawback that was previously mentioned as a benefit is the proximity to neighbors, shopping centers, and business districts. Depending on each owner, this can also be a downfall of owning a condo. Many condos are stacked or have joined walls, so you may have to deal with loud, obnoxious neighbors. Also, some people prefer to be away from shopping centers and busy streets because of children. Lastly, the condo fee may be a drawback for some. If you are not interested in using the condo amenities, you are still required to pay the condo fee.

Planning for retirement
Once you retire, you may want to permanently move to the place of your dreams. But, have you ever considered buying a condo prior to retirement? In most cases, if you buy a condo prior to retirement you will not be able to occupy the property full time. If you can only take a few weeks of vacation during the year, consider renting out your condo during the times that it is vacant. Condos on the beachfront or in tourist locations are in high demand and you could make quite a profit from occasional renters. The money generated from renting the condo can pay your mortgage or simply supplement your retirement fund.

Luxury condos can be a great place to live permanently, or they may be a great place for your family to escape to for a few weeks out of the year. Whatever you use it for, you will find that owning a luxury condo is an affordable, satisfying investment.


If you want to own a house for yourself, then luxury condos are very good option for you. These condos offer various facilities such as stylish spas, fitness centers, exotic restaurants, bars etc. Additional services like private beaches, sufficient balconies, cabanas, and pools make sure that you get the world class facilities in these condos. In a good and luxury condo, you can find all these services. But you should be aware of that fact that selecting the right luxury condo is not an easy task. Most of these condominium complexes offer a large variety of amenities and services. You should always make sure that you receive all the important informations which is available before deciding on on the condo you want to buy. You should always check about the amenities and the services which they give to the clients.

These luxury condos are always well known for offering quality services to its clients. The features may vary from place to place and building to building, and most of them have more than a few familiar fundamentals. Most of them use Hardwood floors and trayed ceilings because of the reason that they are universally appealing. Some of the few other factors involve crown molding, walk-in closets, and sprinkler systems and they will vary according to the quality of the condos.

Some of the aspects in a condo you need to check before buying the condo are:

The Kitchen
The kitchen is the most important part of any house and a condo is not an exception. You shall make make sure that the condo gives you amenities and facilities like stainless steel appliances, wood cabinets, and granite counter tops. They make the kitchen attractive and holds very good value.

The washroom
Always check out how many washrooms are there in the condo. It's always better to have more than one single washroom. There should be luxurious amenities in the bathrooms for sure which includes marble counter tops with dual vanities and classy faucets, marble tile floors, and also a large walk-in massaging shower or large tubs with massaging facilities.

Remember the get information about which laundry services the condo offers. It will be better if they provide services like a large area and a washing machine. The place should be big enough to keep the washing machine effectively. Nowadays many condos give washers and dryers for the optimum utilization of the space.

It is the most important factor while searching for a good and luxury condo. Check out what security services they offer. Make sure that each and every security facilities are perfectly intact. Good condo owners go the extra mile to ensure the condos are safe and secure. Elevators and doors should be computerized where access can be granted by a pass code or the doorman. In addition, special services to monitor fire and video camera, burglar alarm systems should be provided.

Parking Space
If you own a vehicle then it is important that there is ample parking space available at least for two-three cars.


Condos bring to mind luxurious living with access to the best amenities like swimming pools, security guards, hot tubs, and tennis courts. To many people, being able to own your condo is better than renting an apartment or even owning your own home. There are many benefits to owing your own luxury condo. Depending on how much you have to spend, the luxurious benefits of condo ownership are almost endless.

Condos that are extremely expensive have features like 24-carat gold bathroom fixtures and Italian tile on the entryway floor. Breathtaking views of cityscapes, ocean views, or panoramic views of beautiful landscaping are all for the taking. Granite countertops in the kitchen and security protected elevators; fireplaces, and the latest updated appliances are just a few of the features available in a luxury condos.

Most luxury condos are made with the best materials available and since homeowner association fees take care of routine maintenance, you can enjoy your condo life without worry. Insurance payments towards your condominium complex will cover the main common areas of the building, but those insurance payments do not cover the contents inside your condo. You must maintain your own homeowner's insurance policy to safeguard your valuables.

Living in a luxury condo also allows you to enjoy the companionship of other people who are likely in your same social circumstances. While it is true you cannot always pick your neighbors, you can talk to some of the current residents of the condo into which you are considering moving. Those residents can talk to you about other features of the condo that you may find appealing.

Luxury condo living isn't for everyone, but for those people who enjoy the benefits of home ownership without the hassle of mowing the grass, patching the driveway and cleaning the gutters, condo life is the way to go. Although many people only focus on the cost of living in a condo, if you consider how much it costs to pay a home mortgage as well as all of the upkeep, the costs are comparative.

Make sure of course if you are considering moving into a condo that you ask the appropriate questions of the broker. First, ask what percentage of the units are rentals. This can affect your financing options. Also, check the bylaws and read carefully. It may seem as though it's just endless paperwork, you may find later that there are limitations on installing a satellite dish or upgrading your light fixtures. Always read the paperwork. If you can, get your lawyer to read over the agreement. A condo is a long-term investment, so make sure you are well versed in the rules before buying one.

Homeowner's meetings are held at luxury condo complexes on a regular basis where each member is encouraged to participate, discuss, and vote on any issues concerning the complex. Remember that the people you are meeting with are your neighbors and you will have to see them in the hallway and courtyards for years to come. Be polite with your concerns and you will be enjoying your luxury condo with a smile!


Singing lessons are very useful for those of us who love to sing and would like to improve our vocal technique as well as our overall pitch and rhythm sense. However, some singing students may be a little overwhelmed whenever they attend lessons, and may not know how to best make use of the time that they have with their vocal coach or singing instructor!

Here are some important tips for all singing students, so that you will be able to make the most out of your singing lessons, and be able to improve quickly in your singing and vocal technique:

Get A Good Vocal Coach

For your vocal lessons to be genuinely useful to you in developing a better singing voice, you will need an experienced vocal coach who is able to 'diagnose' your voice and know exactly what exercises you will need in order to improve your singing! For example, you may need more exercises to strengthen your chest voice, or more pitching or rhythm training, or even some basic lessons in pronunciation and diction. Your vocal coach should be able to tell you what you need, and be able to communicate these ideas to your clearly!

Always Come Prepared For Lessons

Every singing lesson is an opportunity for you to talk to an expert in singing and to learn as much as you can from your vocal coach! So, always come prepared with questions that you may have had during the past week or are genuinely curious about. This will show your vocal coach that you are motivated about learning how to sing, and he or she will be more inclined to teach you even more! Your instructor will also be able to understand better what are your main concerns and how best to answer them so that you will be able to improve even more!

Practice, Practice and More Practice

Make sure you practice whatever vocal drills or pitching exercises that your singing instructor has given you during the singing lessons. Learning how to sing is just like learning how to play any musical instrument, and as with any instrument, practice is absolutely essential if we want to improve in our playing or singing skills! Also, pay attention to how you practiced during your lesson with your vocal instructor so that when you practice at home, you know how to do it correctly and certainly not inadvertently harm your voice during your self-practice!

Be Patient

Learning how to sing well takes some time and effort, and certainly does not happen overnight. Just like how it takes a piano player many years before he or she is able to be great at playing the piano, so it will also take us a certain period of time before we are able to master our singing voice! Even professional singers take regular singing lessons to keep their voices in top form, and to keep improving in their vocal technique!

One reason for a longer learning curve is because our voice learns through what we call 'muscle memory'. Many of the functions of our vocal cords and voice box are involuntary reflexes that we cannot control consciously. In order for us to correct our singing habits, we need to practice positive reinforcement through muscle memory, using the correct singing methods often so that our voice and our brain remembers them and uses them each time we sing!

Enjoy The Learning Process

One great thing about singing is that it is fun and enjoyable even during proper lessons, and we would certainly be able to enjoy the learning process that we must go through in order to get a better singing voice! Once we accept the long learning process, we will certainly be more relaxed during our lessons and be able to improve our voice even more! It is a virtuous cycle that singing students will be able to benefit from with the correct mindset and attitude.

With these important pointers in mind each time we attend our singing lessons, we will certainly be able to get the most out of our lessons and achieve a great singing voice through practice and patience!


When it comes to singing, there are a lot of things that you need to understand. Information can be found anywhere, books in the library, word of mouth from friends who had training and also, free online singing lessons. These free online singing lessons are one of the more efficient, and more importantly, cost-effective training resource. So don't take free lessons, as being low quality or not up to standard. Some information you find can be worth more than a single lesson with an instructor.

Having any type of singing lesson will definitely benefit all singers. Even professional singers and many of the successful ones are still learning. Its a never ending process, because their own instrument, which is their voice, have to be regularly fine tuned to stay in shape. But for singers who are just beginning, they may face difficulties to get their singing voice to a certain standard.

Common problems faced when singing include the inability to get the top range of your voice, applying too much force on the vocal cords, causing fatigue or even damage, having empty spots in the song due to skips in voice caused by weak muscles in the larynx. Many singers also have the problem of getting the proper key in the song, singing with very nasal tones or occasionally missing the rhythm.

There are many singers out there who merely sing just for personal enjoyment, but have hardly any idea what is meant exactly by pitch, amplitude, resonance or even key. Even though its nice to sing just for fun, there will one day come a time when you will want to find out more about the technical aspects of singing so you're able to further improve yourself.

An Extensive Array of Topics

Free online singing lessons can guide you to:

- Learn warm-up exercises to stretch the neck, back, and abdomen muscles

- Learn warm-up exercises for your vocal cords

- Develop good posture

- Develop good breathing practices

- Learn how sound is produced

- Learn important terms such as pitch, intervals, scales, and time

- Learn sight singing techniques

- Add expression in your music

- Control your larynx to create top quality sound

- Learn to articulate

- Gain confidence to sing on stage

- Learn songwriting skills

- Learn to sing while strumming a guitar

This is just the tip of the iceberg from what you can learn from free online singing lessons. The more successful singers are learned in a broad range of exercises, concepts and practices.

There are many different reasons for people who decide to take up singing lessons. They may take it as a fun hobby and want to learn as much as possible about singing..

A few others sing at local spots and events and want to perform at their best. Some even have singing as a profession or career. Singing lessons are crucial if you want to take singing to a more professional level.. At some point, you will have achieved as far as possible without help.

However, many individuals don't take lessons simply because they believe they are too costly or that they think that singing lessons are meant only for people with full-time singing careers. Both of them are not true. There was once a time where the only option was private singing lessons from instructors, however the internet makes it possible for anyone to take singing lessons from their own home.

Free online singing lessons provide a simple, cost-effective solution to benefit from physical and vocal techniques. You'll find fresh ideas, tips, suggestions, and motivation that will help you pursue your singing goals.

Take the Advice of Experts

When professionals, experts or people who have a lot of experience in the scene gives you advice, heed it. They may just be the best information one could ever get. Also, the internet has allowed widespread access to many professional instructors who were once reserved only for those who are rich or famous. Nowadays, there are plenty of reputable singing instructors willing to share what they have learned at no cost.

Give free online singing lessons a try. You will definitely learn something useful!


Most of the youth can sing in tune by the time they begin school and the more often they practice singing, the better they get at it. Some may have real gift for singing and some may want to consider singing lessons for youth or singing lessons for kids.

However, you must remember that if you decide on lessons for kids, make sure that it is in the interest of your child and you do not try to abuse your child's talent.

It is commonly not a good idea to give children too formal training at a very early age since too much singing might put strain on their voice.

Before you begin looking for a teacher who specializes in lessons for youth, an important question should be taken into consideration - is my child really ready?

There are music teachers who are concerned with beginning lessons for kids early since it may turn the kid off singing altogether. It is a good idea to find out if your child is really interested in singing. You can try to bring him to live shows for you to see if singing is what he actually wants to do.

As a parent, you must also need to decide in what age you would like your child to begin singing lessons - it is unfair on the part of the children to begin singing lessons before their teenage years because the voice of a child is underdeveloped until such point and they need to become children as longer as possible.

Youth can commonly begin to learn musical instrument as early as 10 years old but is not recommended for kids to start formal singing lessons until they reach their teenage years due to the strain that singing can put on their voice's development.

Singing lessons for youth or for kids are available in schools. However, there are also private tutors who offer lessons on how to sing if you want. In the beginning, perhaps it is good to go with the singing teachers that the school of your child provides. But then after the skill of your child has been developed, you may want to look for the other teachers who also offer singing lessons for kids.

Selecting a new teacher is quite a difficult task for parents who have no or little musical experience. What you should do first is to ask the other parents who teach their child and after you know those teachers, you can begin interviewing them and know who among them provide the best singing lessons.

There are things you need to consider when looking at teachers. These include knowing how long they have been teaching, the cost per lesson they provide and if they belong to a recognized body. More than anything else, there is only a single person whom you need to take into consideration and it is your child. Remember that the interest of your child in singing is very important for him to become better at singing.


If you really want to learn to sing probably then you really do need to consider taking singing lessons with a trained singing teacher. One on one singing lessons will help improve your singing technique and voice fast. You will be taught how to sing in tune, how to sing without damaging your voice and how sing higher while keeping your uniqueness.

The main problem beginners find with learning from a singing teacher is they feel shy and overwhelmed about singing in front of somebody else. They also start to lose their enthusiasm if the lessons become more complex or they feel the expectations are unrealistic.

Here are 5 ways to help you enjoy and get the best results from your singing lessons:

Finding The Right Teacher

To ensure you get the most from your lessons, it's important to find an experienced teacher. A professional teacher will quickly be able to identify your strengths and limitations and recommend the right combination and sequence of exercises to improve and strengthen your voice. During your lessons, you should feel challenged but not overwhelmed. A good teacher will help maintain your motivation by breaking down long term singing goals into more attainable short term goals that will lead you step-by-step to your longer term objective of singing like a star.

Come Prepared To Your Singing Lessons

To get the most from your singing lessons, it is important to ensure come the lessons prepared. This means you should have already made a list of questions that you'd like your teacher to answer. Not only will you gain more this way, but you teacher will be inclined to take you more seriously. When regularly presented with questions, your teacher will be more committed to ensuring that you become a better singer and your singing lessons will be more interactive and fun.

Practice Really Does Make Perfect

Practice is perhaps the single most important way to benefit from lessons and this means that you need to dedicate chunks of time to practice the techniques taught to you by your teacher. Practicing the art of singing is very similar to learning to play a musical instrument. The more regularly you practice, the sooner it will become second nature.

Patience Really Is A Virtue

Like practice, patience is very important to getting the most out of your lessons. Singing in key and hitting the right notes is an art that takes time to perfect. This means that if you're not patient, you risk quitting your lessons before you reach your goal. Remember that it is unlikely that you will be an overnight success but stick at it and you will definitely improve steadily with time.

Please Enjoy Yourself

Last but not least, to make real progress you need to enjoy your vocal lessons. Don't treat your singing like a chore. Don't overdo it and it should remain motivating and fun. With the right attitude and mindset you will gain a lot from your lessons but just remember not to get so wound up in it that you forget to have fun!

A Popular Alternative To One on One Singing Lessons

Although private singing lessons are great for improving your singing fast, they have a major drawback - they're not cheap! The cost of vocal singing lessons adds up quickly. That's why more and more singers are opting for online and home study singing lessons to teach themselves how to sing. The best online lessons offer an affordable and effective alternative to private lessons.


Decision making is a part of our daily routine, may it be work or home. Adopting a practical, logical and rational approach is often a result of critical thinking which leads to making the right decisions.

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing and being aware of one's thoughts in order to make an effective decision. One has to train their mind to make rational and accurate decisions on a consistent basis. By using critical thinking one can ask applicable questions, analyze the pros and cons and arrive at the right conclusion. A critical thinking approach leads to more constructive actions to a problem at work. Increasing awareness about several factors with respect to particular problems helps us avoid ineffective decisions, while at the same time, helping us learn about ourselves.

How to apply critical thinking?

There are several things that one needs to consider when on a critical thinking path. Do not pass a judgment based upon your initial reactions. Observe them carefully. Examine your reactions. Try to understand the reason behind that particular reaction. If the problem is vague, try to put in more effort to understand it by asking questions. Think of different alternatives to the situation or issue. Think from the other person's point of view, Empathize with the opponent's viewpoint. Consider alternate solutions and be fair.

Check if all the necessary data is available. Gather all the documents and keep them in your briefcase, so that they can be accessible whenever required. Use all the evidence skillfully and impartially. Organize all your thoughts concisely. Distinguish on the basis of relativity and validity. Do not go ahead with making a decision if there isn't any relevant evidence. Understand the criteria upon which your decisions are based and apply problem solving skills. Problems often have multiple solutions that may depend upon various circumstances. Critical thinking helps in making reliable and responsible conclusions.

Ability to do critical thinking

Applying critical thinking can help a person in many ways. The benefits of critical thinking involve improved thinking processes, avoiding favoritism, making valid assumptions and finally leading to effective decision making. A critical thinking approach is used in rational problem-solving. A person who has the knowledge of science and math is capable of thinking critically. Any individual with an advanced degree in any university discipline has almost certainly learned the techniques of critical thinking.

Critical thinking is also critical investigation of problems. Critical thinkers always tend to investigate problems, ask relevant questions, come up with new answers that challenge the opponent and discover new information that can be beneficial. They even question authorities and traditional beliefs and challenge the others involved in the process.

Most people rely on others thoughts and depend on them for the decisions to be made. Most people get caught in emotional thinking, believing that what they believe is true because they had wished for it or hoped for it to be true. Most people, therefore, do not think critically.

Critical thinking is the ability of processing all the information in the most skillful, precise and thorough manner achievable. It is a process that leads to the most dependable, rational and reliable conclusions. Once these are practiced one can make responsible decisions about one's life, behavior and actions with full knowledge of assumptions and consequences of those decisions.


Each day of our lives we become exposed to things that hinder our ability to think creatively and rationally. Critical thinking supplies are invented so that educators and parents both can help their students and children to think clearly, accurately and fairly. Additionally, critical thinkers are usually better prepared to those who lack this ability. Just because your child is intelligent or has greater knowledge does not mean he is decisive and rational. Critical thinking is about how our children can use their intelligence and knowledge to reach objective and rationale viewpoints. Critical supplies engage children in both life and learning. Its real value lies in the fact that it improves their understanding of the world they live in, while it works to develop personal skills that will help them meet with success throughout their lives.

Children are not born with the power to think critically

Children are not born with the power to think critically nor do they develop this ability naturally beyond survival-level thinking. Critical thinking is a learned ability that must be taught. The first step to let the child become a critical thinker is developing his proper attitude. Such as attitude embodies open mindedness, intellectual and free thinking, high motivation, and healthy skepticism. Your child must have a natural curiosity to further one's understanding and be motivated to put in the necessary work sufficient to evaluate the multiple sides of issues. This may require your child to ask many questions. A critical thinker cannot be lazy.

At the heart of critical thinking is the ability to recognize, construct, and evaluate arguments. The word argument may be misleading to some. In the context of critical thinking, an argument means the presentation of a reason to support a conclusion.

Children learn from one another as they share ideas

Children often create pictures in their minds about past experiences and the situations they imagine with the critical thinking supplies. These images are a form of creative thinking. They also learn from one another as they share ideas and solve problems together. Listen to what your child says when they are engaged in creative play. If they are talking from the perspective of the role they are playing, and communicating with other children about the make-believe situation, they are playing at a safe level. Knowing these skills gives you a framework for observing children's play and deciding when and how to improve their knowledge and skills.

The critical thinking supplies aim to inspire a love of thinking while developing important critical thinking skills in your child. These creative supplies will inspire and encourage middle school students to continue practicing higher order thinking in high school, college and beyond.


Critical thinking can be defined as "learning to think better by improving one's thinking skills." Individuals who are critical thinkers use the thinking process to analyze (consider and reflect) and synthesize (piece together) what they have learned or are currently learning. Unfortunately, much of everyone's thinking tends to be biased, imprecise, unclear, uninformed or prejudiced. Since this becomes severely limiting, critical thinking is needed to improve its quality and value.

Within the organizational setting critical thinking is necessary for: overcoming problems, making changes, modifications or adaptations within work structures, methods and problem solving situations, resolving situational conflict and pressing issues, and inventing and implementing new ideas, techniques and solutions.

Critical thinking development is a gradual process. It requires: mastering plateaus of learning as well as maintaining a serious focus on the process itself, changing personal habits of thought, which tends to be a long-range project, and extensive development time.

Within the process of critical thinking it is important to recognize what does not comprise its basic elements or components. Critical thinking is not accomplished by: saying something without carefully thinking it through, taking a guess at what one thinks "should" be done, memorizing material to analyze, discuss or examine, doing something just because it has always been done, believing something because it is what everyone else tends to believe, or arguing about something when there are no facts to back up the argument.

Critical Thinking Qualities

There are certain qualities critical thinkers possess and these characteristics tend to categorize individuals as "deep thinkers," which separates them from more typical "basic thinkers." Critical thinkers tend to be self-disciplined, self-directed, self-monitored and self-corrective thinkers. They raise essential or crucial questions and problems and then proceed to formulate them clearly and precisely. Critical thinkers gather, assemble, evaluate and appraise relevant information. They come to well-reasoned deductions, conclusions and solutions, while measuring and testing them against relevant standards and criteria. They also keep an open mind within alternative systems of thought while continually recognizing and assessing their assumptions and lines of reasoning. Finally, critical thinkers communicate effectively with others in seeking out and determining solutions for challenges and problems.

There tends to be six developmental thinking phases that lead to "mastering" the art of critical thinking. Through extensive practice and applications of the process, individuals can expect to begin altering and eventually changing their individual habits of thought. Each progressive phase is described below.

Phase One: The Unenlightened Thinker - individuals generally are not consciously aware that significant problems do exist within their current patterns of thinking.

Phase Two: The Confronted Thinker - individuals are aware that existing problems are evident or apparent within their process of thinking.

Phase Three: The Novice Thinker - individuals try to initiate improvements within their thinking, but without relying on regular or consistent practice.

Phase Four: The Proactive Thinker - individuals do recognize the importance of regular practice to improve and enhance their thinking.

Phase Five: The Developed Thinker - individuals begin to advance in accordance with the amount of practice that is awarded to the process.

Phase Six: The Mastery Thinker - individuals become skilled and insightful, where reflective, analytical and evaluative thinking becomes second nature.

Individuals can only develop through these phases if they accept the fact that there are serious problems with their current processes and methods of thinking, and are able to accept the challenge that their thinking presents to them and make it a point to begin regular practice to improve and enhance the components and elements of critical thinking.

Critical Thinking Relies Upon Clarity of Purpose

In order to develop critical thinking, it is important for individuals to be clear as to the purpose of the task or topic at hand, and the main question that is at issue in regard to it. To accomplish this goal, it is essential to: strive to be clear, accurate, precise and relevant, practice thinking beneath the surface, be logical and fair-minded, apply critical thinking skills to all reading, writing, speaking and listening activities, and apply these skills to all aspects of work as well as life in general.

Questioning: The Impetus for Critical Thinking

Dead questions reflect dead minds. Unfortunately, most individuals, (even managers, leaders and trainers) tend not to ask many thought-stimulating types of questions. They tend to stick to dead questions like, "Is this going to be what is expected from now on?" or, "How are we supposed to understand (or do) this?" and other questions that outwardly imply the desire not to think.

Some managers, leaders, trainers or facilitators in turn are not themselves generators of in-depth questions and answers of their own making, which aids in establishing non-critical thinking environments. These individuals are not seriously engaged in thinking through or rethinking through their own initiatives, issues, concerns, topics or instructional concepts and resort to being mere purveyors of the "questions and answers of others." They often end up initiating or responding to some initial concerns or issues that tend to surface spontaneously during a discussion or meeting, without having personal background information that would otherwise help stimulate deeper levels of creative probing and evaluative questioning. Sometimes they tend to apply second-hand information, knowledge or questions that have been passed down, which limits creative assessments and deeper level questioning. Often they find themselves referencing authors or others who are considered to be experts or leaders in their field rather than questioning important workplace-related issues, ideas, methods or concerns that need to be probed in-depth.

Questioning Through Critical Thinking Keeps the Organization Alive

Every company stays alive only to the extent that fresh questions are generated and taken seriously. These questions are then used as the driving force for generating and implementing changes. To think through or rethink anything, individuals within an organization must ask questions that stimulate deeper levels of thought. Questions define tasks, express problems and identify issues. While answers on the other hand, often signal a full stop in thought. Only when answers generate further questions does thought continue to add value in terms of personal as well as organizational growth and change.

It is important to remember that individuals within an organization, who generate and ask serious and insightful questions, are the ones who are, in fact, truly thinking, developing and learning. It is possible to move an organization forward by just asking employees to list all of the questions that they have about an issue, method or topic, including all questions generated by their first list of questions. However, deep questions drive out thoughts that rest underneath the surface of things and force individuals to deal with complexity. While questions of purpose force individuals to define "their task," questions of information force individuals to look at their source(s) of information as well as its quality.

Excerpt: Developing Critical Thinking Skills: The Pinpoint Management Skill Development Training Seriesby Timothy Bednarz (Majorium Business Press, Stevens Point, WI 2011).
