Are you ready for a BASH? Have you ever been a vendor or exhibitor at an expo, craft show or other offline event? Well, when you are a participant in an online bash or online expo - many of the same expo tips apply. Here are the Top Ten essential business expo tips for online events.
* Business Expo Tip #1 - Welcome guests and vendors to the event - seems pretty simple, but being friendly online goes a long way!
* Tip #2 - Introduce yourself, and give a little personal info about yourself. People love to do business with vendors they know! Do you have kids? Are you married? Do you love to knit? Share tidbits of yourself! Connections are made at online expos and bashes.
* Expo Tip #3 - Set goals for yourself before the event. For example, I will book three parties or I will increase my sales by $xx. Setting goals (and writing them down!) helps you achieve goals.
* #4 - Decide what games, prizes, discounts, sales incentives you will offer for the expo or bash attendees. Write the incentives down or better still, type them into a word document - that way they are ready to cut and paste the day of the online event. It will make your life easier, believe me!
* Business Expo Tip #5 - Prepare your presentation notes as well too - what products will you be featuring? Is there something new or exciting? Be sure to put all pertinent info into your word file as well. It's also a great idea to put a brief overview of your shipping info, guarantees etc into a word file for the event too. Cut and paste makes it easy!
* Tip #6 - Promote, promote, promote! Success at an online expo or bash depends on many factors, the primary factor is you! Be sure to invite friends, colleagues, family, customers to join you at the online party. Online shopping is hot! Everyone loves the convenience of shopping from home! Be sure to let everyone know that you are a vendor at XYZ Bash and let them know the dates, times etc. Send invites to your personal contact list at least three times - a week or so before the online event, a day before the event and the day of the bash or party!
* #7 - Network! The biggest benefit of online bashes and online expos is the networking that can be accomplished. It's important and beneficial to build relationships.
* Expo Tip #8 - Be sure to say thank you! It makes a huge impact.
* Tip #9 - Follow up with any guests or vendors who have requested information, who ordered, who won prizes immediately within 24-48 hours at the most! Stay in touch with those guests and vendors who have requested contact.
* And finally, tip #10 - Have fun! Online bashes and expos are created to be like a party - enjoy yourself, have fun!