Appraiser puts a price to the fair market value (rights of ownership). With the current location, amenities, and condition of the property, the appraisers write a detailed report. The detailed report states the comparison of local homes, imperfection of property, type of home, and danger to property. By the end of appraisal, the appraiser knows more about the property than the home owner.
On the process of applying for mortgage, the lender requires the selling price to meet or exceed the appraise value. The appraise value protects the lender in case of default on mortgage payments. That is why an appraiser is usually a third party with no financial connection to the lender, seller, or buyer.
Common Appraisal Approach
The three approaches to effectively appraise a real estate property are Sales Comparison, Cost, and Income Approach. In Sales Comparison Approach, the appraiser finds comparables or comps. The comparables or comps are another property in the same vicinity or location. There are no two properties exactly the same. So, the appraiser takes notes of the similarities and characteristics.
In Cost Approach, the appraisers check how much to build the residential real estate property. This approach plays a major role to new homes in which you can easily calculate the cost to build a new home. For many areas with booming real estate, the shortage of skilled labor drives the cost to build a new home high.
As for Income Approach, the appraiser checks the ability for the property to earn an income. For example, the home owner added a carport. Many tenants are willing to pay extra for the use of a carport. Let us say the home owner transform the carport into another room with kitchen and bathroom. The home owner can rent out the new room. The recent addition to the property increases the appraise value.
Common Use of Appraisal Value
The appraise value plays an important role on mortgage application, mortgage refinance, divorce, estate settlement, employee relocation, and buyer offer. As you are aware on mortgage application and refinance, the home selling price must meet or exceed the appraise value.
When the time comes to partition the ownership of the real estate property, the appraise value becomes important once again. For example, the divorce, or estate settlement are good examples.
An employee may opt to take another position in their company. This happens to promotion. The management positions are usually at the head office. So, the company helps an employee to relocate. The employee has no idea about the fair market value of the new location. With the appraise value available, he makes a correct offer.